
Dr. Rena Dean

ConfiDent Dental
Ambassador website 🔗

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Ambassador Details

Practice Name

ConfiDent Dental

Ambassador Country

United Arab Emirates

Operating From



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Dr. Rena Dean

Dentaverse Ambassador

Generating measurable value for members and partners by web3 and VR technology.

Community multiplier

Recurring income models allow members and partners to generate monthly revenue.

Emerging payment models

Enter a trustless partnership that eliminates geographical boundaries.

Global dental directory

About us

Creators Of The Dentaverse

Understanding what we are doing and where we are going is about the individuals that work on our team and take part in the community.

Virtual reality platform

Dental Community In Virtual Reality

A virtual community of dentists and dental students means you enter a lifetime of ever learning and evolving in the web3 and VR space.

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